torsdag 21 januari 2010

Early weekend

Slow week on the far side of the blog busy nevertheless. Modprod is closing in and the message in my talk is getting there…

Reviewed a presentation from a colleague earlier this week and found two topics extra interesting in his talk; the evolution of PD connected to the market-development and the “architecture” of agile.
Seen similar slides before but liked how these where packaged.
Maybe something I will get back to here after some further discussion.

Thinking/working/sweating a lot in the context of marketing during the start of this year, maybe I should just do what Jack does?

Well time to get packing for that Åre-trip, packing is best served together with Teddybears STHML.

Crank it up high cause "them drum machines ain't got no soul" (thanks for the tip Tomas).

/ Out.

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