fredag 15 januari 2010

Analysis to design

Currently involved in a lot of more business related tasks but I get to squeeze in some technical thoughts in between as well.

One that I’m exploring a bit is how xtUML and “MDA” ideas could be used to create separation of concern between very abstract analysis (or maybe “architecture” if you like) models and design models. Of course it is not so much the separation of concern I’m after as the possibility to do model to model transformation, but “soc” feels like a necessary means to achieve just that ;)

In my head, maybe I’ve got it wrong, this is initially not so difficult to achieve but when you put it in context it suddenly become a tad more problematic. Especially since it is not the pyramid-structure of transformation I’m after (you know, the “Babushka” structure…) but something a bit more intelligent where the transformation would handle e.g. cases where you go to different levels of abstraction in your analysis (because different problems require more or less details to analyze), where you could apply different patterns to solve various problems etc etc

One question though, and slightly important too, is if there would be a business case to do it this way. Another way to do it would be to kick-start with analysis models and let them evolve into design models over time (this could be a beneficial option if you don’t connect any value to the analysis model themselves and want to be able to re-use them etc).

Anyone with thoughts/ideas?

Well back to more “management” tasks.

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