onsdag 2 december 2009

Execute this

I am currently having a late evening with the report on Model Driven Architecture and executable/translatable UML.

One thing that intrigues me is that during research, on MDA in particular, the notion of platform in the context of PIM and PSM (Platform Independent Model and Platform Specific Model) seems quite single-sided. In most MDA-papers I have yet to find a different meaning to platform than language + compiler + hardware. In other words MDA shall basically only be used to separate us from the implementation in software.

Why is there so little written about PIM/PSM where platform is put in a product context? Where the PIM is your model of the functionality independent on which final product in your palette it will end up in? And where the “PSM” is your “PIM” (in normal terms) for that specific product? This is nothing new and breath-taking in e.g. PLA-ideas but there isn’t a lot of practical reading where those two have been put together.

A practical approach from PIM, P for product or project then, to PIM (if needed) to PSM would be interesting to see (or create).

For a larger product company enabling this would probably yield a substantial improvement.

Time for a break and some serious running in -6degC.

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