fredag 23 oktober 2009

Industry participation

A very nice ending to a pleasant work-week.

Visited the board meeting for Modprod during the morning (and got ÅFF-cake) and after a presentation of Know IT TM and what we do, what I do and would like to do I got called in (Sv. adjungerad) into the board of directors for Modprod. The rest of the meeting was very interesting and I learned about OPENPROD which was new to me. Now I just have to meet the deadline next week for the Call for presentations.

During the afternoon some colleguages and I wrapped up a LOTS-analysis we started a week before with regards to a Vinnova-project we are involved in. The most important part was the short term actions which from my end looks really promising.

Don't know how but in between it all I managed to have some sort of philosophical discussion about death, shoes and what not with an old friend from the sunny side of Sweden.
"...'cause here we go again"

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